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Hello. It's lovely to meet you here on the pages of my passion. I trust that if something brought you here sometime soon I will be able to meet you as well.

My given name is Milena, the name I prefer to be addressed by is Vela.

Vela means candle.

I chose the name in a high school Spanish class for many reasons. To this day it continues to describe my values and is a reminder of our essence; light.

My intention behind the work I do is to help people discover their authentic nature, without fear. Like a lighthouse in a storm, or a candle in the darkness.


Life is full of endless possibilities that are beyond our day-to-day comprehension. Our minds keep us stuck in what we know, because that's the job of the left hemisphere of the brain.

I want to show people the other half of life. The love, the wonder, the infinite possibilities that exist beyond our human blindspots.

I give people the skills to "sail away from the safe harbour. Explore, dream and discover." what life has to offer. (Thanks Mark Twain)


I am passionate about empowering others. Some call me a coach, a guide, a teacher, a healer. I am humbled.

I am also a student, a friend and a teammate.

How I am of service is by offering reflections.

I use breathwork, yoga, dance, energy healing, mindfulness, intuitive guidance and many of my other creative expressions (writing, photography, etc) to help others do the exploring.

My medicine is holding space. I create a judgement free, generous and loving container so myself and others can...

be free to discover who we really are

explore the shadows and the light

dream of and create a life we love

So I can't simplify who I am because I am you and you are me. And we are all a reflection of the divine.

My role here however is to be a witness as you can step into your greatness.

So, when given the opportunity to reintroduce myself, I share my light, my love and my life's purpose.

Whatever name you choose to call me or identify me with, is a reflection of you.

So let's all be a guiding, pillar of light today.

Throw kindness around like confetti.

~ Vela


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My Story

I compartmentalized myself for many years. I labelled myself as a dance teacher, body builder, entrepreneur and starving artist. It was an unconscious veil I used to hide my true self and keep me stuck in life. As a people pleaser, workaholic, perfectionist, I was subconsciously destructive to myself and others. Resigned and cynical that "this was as good as life could get". Life was... fine.I was completely disconnected from my body, numbed my emotions, felt controlled by my monkey mind and was in a constant state of "doing".
I worked 20 hours a day, I was constantly in toxic relationships, all in an attempt to validate myself.
At 25, I hit rock bottom. Bankrupt, I realized that I had two options:​
1. Hide in the shadows and shut out the world
2. Get help and learn to love myself by shining a light in the shadows.​


I’ve been a coach and educator for over 10 years, but it wasn’t until I experienced my own awakening that I truly felt I could lead others. I began integrating Breathwork and found this to be my greatest tool for exponential growth and quantum leaps. I've used Yoga and dance to help physically release stories and contractions in the physical body.It is with great honour and privilege to share my knowledge and practice with others to help  break through barriers and live a life without fear.​I believe that you can have anything you want in life, as long as you have the courage to ask for it.
What if it was as easy as breathing or thinking happy thoughts?
Peter Pan might have been onto something...
What if you could live in a world where anything is possible?
It is my life's purpose to help you find that happy place within you... now.​
For all human beings, I am committed to heal-thy self and hardwiring happiness through mindfulness and movement.​
We are the source of the ripple of change.​ Schedule a 15 minute call and introduce yourself to me.
Who knows what we could create together!

A little bit about me...

I am currently in...
Playa Del Carmen, Mexico

️My purpose is... to live.
To experience life fully.

I am committed to.. illuminating life.
Helping people be happy and free.

I serve by... going first.
Releasing my resistance and embodying my full self.

I facilitate to... help others come back hOMe to themselves.
Make it easy to reset, pause, and respond to life. 

By using...conscious connected breathwork, somatic techniques, yoga, Reiki, dance, vocal activation, meditations, coaching, community connections, and more.

I am lit up by offering...
   - circles and ceremonies internationally
   - weekly classes in person 
   - online programs (live)
   - personal development retreats
   - professional development workshops for workplace
     wellness and strategic action 
   - individual/couple/family sessions

I have a deep love for...

And even deeper love for music

I am currently learning... about my body, marketing, collaborations and how to live in a new country.

My 2025 intention is... MAGIC.



I'd love to answer all your burning questions.
Or if you have 
thoughts, advice or words of support for Vela, feel free to share your voice here.

If you would like to remain anonymous, please write Anonymous instead of your name. 

Thanks for submitting!

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